How to Improve Self-Acceptance

How to Improve Self-Acceptance Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you could change something about yourself? Do you sometimes feel like you’re not good enough? When you see someone posting their “perfect body” and “perfect vacation,”  you even wish to live their life? These feelings are common, but they can prevent you … Read more

Breaking Free from Perfectionism 

Breaking Free from the Perfectionism There are many reasons why people can fall into the cycle of perfectionism, and once they are in it, breaking free can be challenging.Ultimately, many perfectionists are controlled by fear. They fear making mistakes, not being good enough, having people view them as a failure, etc.  Interestingly, being a perfectionist … Read more

How to Enjoy Being Alone

How to Enjoy Being Alone Ever heard the phrase “being alone doesn’t have to be lonely”? Do you wonder how to enjoy being alone? Liking alone time can be a challenging idea to embrace, especially when you you’re used to thinking of solitude with discomfort. Oftentimes, we feel like being alone makes us seem uncool– … Read more

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of depression that occurs in people who just gave birth, typically within the first few weeks to months after childbirth. It can result in depressive, anxious, and worn-out sensations, making it challenging to do daily tasks like eating, sleeping, and bonding with your … Read more

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress Holiday stress can be really common. Research showed that last year 41% of people reported increased anxiety during the holiday season. Among many ways to enjoy the holidays, spreading holiday cheer can probably change someone’s entire day around and help them to de-stress.  The Reality of the Holiday … Read more

Tips to Make the Best of a Support Group

how to deal with postpartum depression

Tips to Make the Best of a Social Support Group We all need support in this world. Truth be told, humans are social creatures and we thrive off of our connections with others. Obviously it can feel pretty lonely when you don’t feel like you have anyone to turn to or a social support system … Read more

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues

examples of mental health stigma

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues As parents, you may feel your worries grow with your children especially when they become adolescents. Teenager struggles apparently are not just for teens, but for parents as well. Challenges faced by youth today can be a long list. For instance, academic performance, … Read more

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner?

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner What are the signs of a passive aggressive person? How do you know you are in a passive aggressive relationship? How to respond to passive aggressive behavior? Your partner may not yell or scream. Instead, they express their difficult feelings subtly rather than directly. Apparently it is … Read more

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure

signs of high functioning depression

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure Do you ever wonder, “How to stop feeling like a failure?” We all feel like a failure at times. Being associated with failing can be challenging; no one wants to think that their efforts were meaningless, their time was wasted, and they disappointed themselves or others. We look … Read more

How to Cope With Losing a Pet

how to cope with losing a pet

How to Cope with Losing a Pet Losing a pet can be devastating. Pets become a part of our families, and we love them just the same. Studies show that “pet owners have the tendency to humanize their pet and perceive animals no differently from humans in terms of emotions, needs, and legal rights.” The … Read more