Ways to Improve Relationships Between Adult Children and Parents

parenting adult children​

Ways to Improve Relationships Between Adult Children and Parents Ever wonder why parenting adult children can be tricky Do you feel it’s hard to keep a normal parent adult child relationship? Want to learn how to strengthen your relationship with parents in adulthood? From time to time, we hear issues such as these. You may … Read more

Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

in the new year

Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself Have you been hard on yourself and overly critical of yourself? Do you struggle with self-kindness? Are you looking for ways to improve your well-being and increase your self-compassion? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with being kind and compassionate to ourselves, especially in today’s fast-paced … Read more

Tips to Help Your “Smiling” Friends to Deal with High Functioning Depression

Tips to Help Your “Smiling” Friends to Deal with High Functioning Depression You may know typical symptoms of depression, sadness, loss of interest, agitation and irritability, low motivation, and low energy. However, sometimes you may not see these symptoms in a depressed friend. Instead, smiling face, joking around, going to work or school as usual; … Read more

How to Put Yourself First

how to put yourself first

How to Put Yourself First Do you struggle knowing how to put yourself first? Have you ever had these thoughts? It’s selfish to put yourself first. I can’t do that…I need to put others before myself. I’d rather put myself last; it’s easier that way. If you are reading this article, you probably are someone … Read more

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully Are you 32 and scared of getting old? Experience a lot of nostalgia? Ever heard of fear of aging phobia? Dealing with aging as a woman? Do you want to find ways to promote feeling young throughout your life?  A survey of 2088 adults in the U.S. … Read more

What to Talk About in Therapy

What to do when you feel stuck

What to Talk About in Therapy Imagine this scenario. You just scheduled your first session with a therapist. You had a consultation with them and went over the basics of what you’d be interested in treating. The therapist seemed friendly and welcoming to talk to. There’s only one problem: you are so nervous! What can … Read more

Friendship Breakups 101

best friend break up 

Friendship Breakups 101 As sad as it can be, we’ve all had a friendship breakup or witnessed a split between two former besties. The media specifically seems to talk a lot about romantic breakups, but friendship breakups seem like they don’t get as much attention. Sometimes the pain of ending a friendship can hurt just … Read more

7 Tips to Manage Stress for Highly Sensitive People

highly sensitive person test

7 Tips to Manage Stress for Highly Sensitive People Do you feel noise, light, and smell can easily overwhelm you?  You seem to feel stressed easily over things you have to do within a short period of time? Does the world seem like to affect you more than others?  You tend to have a rich … Read more

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a disorder that affects .5% of Americans. Although a clinical diagnosis, you may hear the term “narcissists” used often to describe people. For example, you may have heard one of your friends call their ex-boyfriend a narcissist. What does this exactly mean?  To learn more about this … Read more