Online Dating Red Flags: What to Look Out For

How do you handle rejection

Spotting Online Dating Red Flags As you probably know, online dating is the new norm in society. In 2021, over 30 million people were found using dating apps. We live in a digital age where a swipe of a finger can be the catalyst for an entire relationship. Dating culture has changed drastically from the … Read more

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power

teenager with low self esteem

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?  Do you find yourself gravitating towards big crowds of people or feel more comfortable acting like a wallflower on the side? Is being an introvert bad? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an introvert?  Introverts and extroverts both possess … Read more

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties

early twenties

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties When we grow up, we imagine and daydream about our adult lives. As a kid, it seems like all you want to do is grow up! Doing childish things become boring, and we imagine a life where we are driving cool cars, owning our own houses, settling down with … Read more

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk to You

how to get your teenager to talk to you

How To Get Your Teenager To Talk To You Being a parent isn’t easy. In fact, raising a teenager can be very challenging and confusing. Teens are going through many changes, starting new experiences, and figuring out who they are as young adults. As a parent, it is normal to worry about your child’s wellbeing … Read more

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity: Its Harm, Risks, And Tips To Avoid It “Just be positive. Things could be worse.” “Look at the bright side. It’s a blessing in disguise.” “Everything happens for a reason. Things will be better soon. You’ll get over it.” “Stop being so negative. Good vibes only.” Do these sound familiar? How did you … Read more

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Mind Connections supports the efforts to stop bullying in this world. No teen should ever feel intimidated, scared, or embarrassed while going to school. Moreover, a school should be a safe place for students to explore who they … Read more

7 Ways to Help a Teenager with Anxiety

teenager with anxiety

7 Ways To Help A Teenager With Anxiety Are you a teenager with anxiety? Does your child struggle with teenage anxiety? Whether you want to self help, or learn how to better support your teen to deal with anxiety in adolescence, this article will discuss different strategies to cope with this issue! What is Anxiety? … Read more

How to Deal with Body Dysmorphia (BDD)

How To Deal With Body Dysmorphia BDD Have you heard of Body Dysmorphia (BDD)?  Is there a part of your body that upsets you a lot? Do you find yourself thinking about this body part constantly during the day? Do you spend excessive time trying to hide or do surgery on a “flawed” body part? … Read more