How to Deal With Anxiety Without Medication

How to Deal with Anxiety without Medication Do you feel like anxiety is controlling your life? Are you struggling with anxiety symptoms, such as constant worries, chest pain, and insomnia? Want to learn how to deal with anxiety without medication? If so, you probably can relate to Dinah’s story. Dinah is 24 years old, and … Read more

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job

searching for a job

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job Staying motivated while looking for a job can be challenging. Many people are looking for jobs currently in America. Statistics from April 2022 show that the unemployment rate in the U.S. is 6.7%, and 10.7 million people are searching for a job. Employment puts a lot … Read more

How to Love Your Body this Summer

how to love your body

How to Love Your Body this Summer Worrying about your “summer body”? Struggling with your body image in summer time? Does summer clothing make you feel bad about yourself? Feel stressed about not having “the perfect beach body”? Want to learn how to love your body this summer?  If so, you are not alone! So … Read more

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure

signs of high functioning depression

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure Do you ever wonder, “How to stop feeling like a failure?” We all feel like a failure at times. Being associated with failing can be challenging; no one wants to think that their efforts were meaningless, their time was wasted, and they disappointed themselves or others. We look … Read more

Ghosting in Online Dating: Why People Ghost and How to Cope

how to survive being single

Ghosting: Why People Ghost and How to Cope with Being Ghosted Do you have questions about ghosting? Questions like: Have you been ghosted online dating? Ever wonder why you get ghosted? Have you ever ghosted someone else in online dating? How does the ghoster feel about ghosting someone? What ghosting says about you? Do you … Read more

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health Studies show that the pandemic lead to 59% of Americans taking up a new hobby. Especially at the beginning of lockdowns and social distancing, and layoffs, many people had more time on their hands to stay home. During this time, people ventured into activities they may not have considered delving into … Read more

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully Are you 32 and scared of getting old? Experience a lot of nostalgia? Ever heard of fear of aging phobia? Dealing with aging as a woman? Do you want to find ways to promote feeling young throughout your life?  A survey of 2088 adults in the U.S. … Read more

When it’s Time to Let Go:Moving on Tips

ghosting online dating

When It’s Time to Let Go:Moving on Tips Ever been in an unhealthy relationship? You knew it wasn’t good for you, but still didn’t want to let go. Your mind told you to go, but your heart told you to stay. It can be hard to tell when to let go and move on from … Read more

Stress Management Activities and Tips for Teens and Parents

Stress Management Activities and Tips for Teens and Parents Do you feel stressed or burnout often? Are stress and anxiety taking over your life? Ever wonder how to live a balanced life again? Want to find stress management activities and tips in your daily life? Whether you are teens or parents, stress is inevitable in … Read more

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Do you ask yourself, “Why do I compare myself to others?”  Is it hard for you to see other people achieve things and not feel bad about yourself? Do you want to find ways stop comparing yourself to others and manage stress? If you answered “yes” to … Read more