Ways to Improve Relationships Between Adult Children and Parents

parenting adult children​

Ways to Improve Relationships Between Adult Children and Parents Ever wonder why parenting adult children can be tricky Do you feel it’s hard to keep a normal parent adult child relationship? Want to learn how to strengthen your relationship with parents in adulthood? From time to time, we hear issues such as these. You may … Read more

Ways to Improve Communication at work

11 Tips to Improve Communication at Work As an adult, work is something that you participate in each day. Jobs are essential parts of our lives, and it is important to foster good communication at work. Good communication skills are necessary for any relationship. For example, if you are dating someone, you hope that you … Read more

How to Be Okay With Being Single

How to Be Okay With Being Single Are you single?  Do you feel like you are surrounded by couples and people who are together?  Do you find yourself feeling lonely or sad constantly? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you! Being single is nothing to be ashamed of! … Read more

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk to You

how to get your teenager to talk to you

How To Get Your Teenager To Talk To You Being a parent isn’t easy. In fact, raising a teenager can be very challenging and confusing. Teens are going through many changes, starting new experiences, and figuring out who they are as young adults. As a parent, it is normal to worry about your child’s wellbeing … Read more

Dealing With BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder)

how to stop a panic attack

Dealing With BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) Have you looked up online “BPD test”, “BPD meaning”, or “Borderline Personality Disorder”? Do you find yourself looking up signs and symptoms of BPD?  Do you tell your therapist “I think I have BPD”? TW: this article discusses suicidal thoughts and self-harm topics What does BPD Mean? You may … Read more

How to Have Better Communication In a Relationship

How To Have Better Communication In A Relationship Do you struggle with communication in a relationship? Have you ever considered going to couple’s counseling for communication issues? Do you want to improve your communication skills? Healthy relationships are based on a strong foundation – one crucial part of this foundation is good communication skills. No … Read more

10 Tips to Use Social Media in a Healthier Way

social media use

10 Tips To Use Social Media In A Healthy Way Social media platforms are spaces for people around the world to connect, share pictures, post opinions, and consume endless content. Particularly during this pandemic, social media helps us to stay connected and communicate even when we have to stay home. Much of social media involves … Read more

How To Talk About Mental Health When No One Wants To Hear

what to talk about in therapy

How To Talk About Mental Health When No One Wants To Hear https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-to-talk-about-mental-health_n_5b450d8ce4b0c523e263b100 Dr. June Cao, the founder of Mind Connections, Inc. was interviewed by Huffpost on How To Talk About Mental Health Issues When No One Wants To Hear.  Minorities and Mental Health Huffpost: Why do you think it’s hard for minorities to share … Read more

How to Help your Highly Sensitive Teen to Manage Stress

How To Help Your Highly Sensitive Teen To Manage Stress Teenage years could be really tough for teens themselves and parents. If your child is a highly sensitive person, things could be more challenging. How do you know you have a highly sensitive teen though?  Signs of a Highly Sensitive Teen Highly sensitive teenagers tend to … Read more