Tips to Reduce Test Anxiety and Exam Stress

argument with a friend

Tips to Manage Test Anxiety Feeling stressed about exams? It is normal to feel some pressure before exams; however, if your worries and fears become too intense, it can turn to text anxiety. Actually test anxiety in college and high school could affect many students’ academic performance. Besides, unmanaged test anxiety could lead to depression, … Read more

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues

examples of mental health stigma

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues As parents, you may feel your worries grow with your children especially when they become adolescents. Teenager struggles apparently are not just for teens, but for parents as well. Challenges faced by youth today can be a long list. For instance, academic performance, … Read more

Ways to Improve Communication at work

11 Tips to Improve Communication at Work As an adult, work is something that you participate in each day. Jobs are essential parts of our lives, and it is important to foster good communication at work. Good communication skills are necessary for any relationship. For example, if you are dating someone, you hope that you … Read more

Taking a Mental Health Day is Important

taking a mental health day

Taking a Mental Health Day is Important We live in a hustle culture. We are urged to “go go go” and be productive almost all hours of the day. When we start to feel the effects of our ongoing work, it can really drain us. It is hard to be “on” like a light switch … Read more

How to Be Okay With Being Single

How to Be Okay With Being Single Are you single?  Do you feel like you are surrounded by couples and people who are together?  Do you find yourself feeling lonely or sad constantly? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you! Being single is nothing to be ashamed of! … Read more

How to Accept Your Body

self-acceptance in the new year

How to Accept Your Body It is the new year! If you haven’t already, you will start seeing the slogan “new year, new me” plastered everywhere. From hashtags to journal entries, these words invade the planet after the Time’s Square Ball drops in New York City. You may wonder what this phrase even means! Does … Read more

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress During COVID

Stress of the Holidays

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress during COVID The holiday season is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The air gets colder, our hearts get warmer, and joy fills the air each day. This all sounds like a lovely plot to a Hallmark movie – but is it a reality for all people? … Read more

Friendship Breakups 101

best friend break up 

Friendship Breakups 101 As sad as it can be, we’ve all had a friendship breakup or witnessed a split between two former besties. The media specifically seems to talk a lot about romantic breakups, but friendship breakups seem like they don’t get as much attention. Sometimes the pain of ending a friendship can hurt just … Read more

Help Teens To Manage Back to School Stress

stress management activities

Help Teens To Manage Back To School Stress Having back to school stress and anxiety? You are not alone, especially during this pandemic. Our teens are more stressed than ever. According to data collected by American Psychological Association, teen stress can be as serious as adult’s when they are going through the school year. This … Read more