A Guide to Healing: Trauma and Addiction Recovery

unresolved trauma and addiction

A Guide to Healing: Trauma and Addiction Recovery Addiction can wreak havoc on someone’s life. It could make each day a struggle to stay sober, not gamble the paycheck away, and complete daily tasks. Indeed, people struggling with addiction may start to feel hopeless and distressed. Research shows that there may be a link between … Read more

How to Deal with Job Loss and Thrive in the AI Era

what to do when you lose your job

How to Deal with Job Loss and Thrive in the AI Era Are you concerned about being replaced by AI soon? ChatGPT, MidJourney, and such AI tools are surging so quickly these days, of course it’s understandable to have fears of job loss or layoff.  Especially in 2023, a time when major layoffs and talk … Read more

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of depression that occurs in people who just gave birth, typically within the first few weeks to months after childbirth. It can result in depressive, anxious, and worn-out sensations, making it challenging to do daily tasks like eating, sleeping, and bonding with your … Read more

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress Holiday stress can be really common. Research showed that last year 41% of people reported increased anxiety during the holiday season. Among many ways to enjoy the holidays, spreading holiday cheer can probably change someone’s entire day around and help them to de-stress.  The Reality of the Holiday … Read more

Tips to Reduce Test Anxiety and Exam Stress

argument with a friend

Tips to Manage Test Anxiety Feeling stressed about exams? It is normal to feel some pressure before exams; however, if your worries and fears become too intense, it can turn to text anxiety. Actually test anxiety in college and high school could affect many students’ academic performance. Besides, unmanaged test anxiety could lead to depression, … Read more

BPD Treatment in NYC

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) Treatment NYC FREE 15-Minute Consultation CALL / TEXT 347-542-8226 “Do I have borderline personality disorder (BPD)?” When you ask yourself this question, you may constantly have a hard time managing your emotions, have fear of abandonment, feel unworthy of love, and have difficulty maintaining a healthy relationship. If you are looking … Read more

Ways to Cope When Losing a Spouse Unexpectedly

summer mental health tips

Ways to Cope when Losing a Spouse Unexpectedly Losing a spouse unexpectedly is devastating. Nothing ever prepares you for such a tragedy no matter how young or old they were when they passed away. It can feel like it flipped your life upside down. Understandably the tremendous amount of grief of a spouse can take … Read more

How to Overcome Avoidance Behavior

Avoidant Behavior

How to Overcome Avoidance Behavior Do you tend to face problems head-on or usually have avoidance behavior? Do you procrastinate but feel terrible for doing that?  Are you looking for ways to stop escaping from reality? Some people get motivated by fear; they feel exhilarated when faced with a challenge, can handle any struggle, and … Read more

Why Affirming LGBTQ Therapy Is Important

LGBTQ therapy

Why Is LGBTQ Therapy Important Do you know what LGBTQ affirmative therapy is? Are you looking for affirmative counseling or LGBTQ therapy NYC? LGBTQ therapy, or gender affirmative therapy has its own history. Understanding its benefits could help you to learn how to find/be an affirming therapist.  If you struggle with feeling validated or accepted … Read more

Why We Have Pride Month Celebrations in America

Pride Month Celebrations

Why Do We Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month Happy LGBTQ Pride Month! Pride Month is a time to celebrate LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer). It is a time to embrace who each of us are! Many people may wonder why we even have Pride Month Celebrations? You may hear people say things like: … Read more