Social Support is Important for LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Social Support Is Important For LGBTQ+ Mental Health Have you ever wanted to show more social support to the LGBTQ+ Community? Have you wondered how you would respond to someone coming out to you? Are you concerned about bettering the mental health of people in the LGBTQIA+ community? If you have answered yes to any … Read more

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in Your Support Network

types of friends

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in your Support Network Do you have the right types of friends in your support network? When you need it, do you have a shoulder to cry on, a buddy to celebrate the happy moments with, or a bestie to give you an extra push? Obviously, friends … Read more

How to Support Asian American LGBTQ Youth to Come out

Pride Month Celebrations

How to Support Asian American LGBTQ Youth to Come Out Research shows that LGBTQ youth (lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, and queer) are at increased risk of suicide and mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. The 2023 survey of the Trevor Project, reported that 46 percent of LGBTQ teens seriously considered attempting suicide. That … Read more

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly Using social media responsibly is important at any age. Most children start using their first phone at the age of 11, the years of early adolescence. During this time, kids are still developing cognitively and are beginning “to understand that what they do now can have long-term effects.” … Read more

Tips to Make the Best of a Support Group

how to deal with postpartum depression

Tips to Make the Best of a Social Support Group We all need support in this world. Truth be told, humans are social creatures and we thrive off of our connections with others. Obviously it can feel pretty lonely when you don’t feel like you have anyone to turn to or a social support system … Read more

10 Tips to Use Social Media in a Healthier Way

social media use

10 Tips To Use Social Media In A Healthy Way Social media platforms are spaces for people around the world to connect, share pictures, post opinions, and consume endless content. Particularly during this pandemic, social media helps us to stay connected and communicate even when we have to stay home. Much of social media involves … Read more

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

How To Overcome Social Anxiety If you identify with the questions below, you may be dealing with signs of social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia. Encounter high levels of stress in your daily life that you may be judged or humiliated Participating in class, maintaining casual conversation with strangers, or even entering a crowded … Read more

COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely, isolated, and/or frustrated? It is hard not to when you cannot socialize with your family and friends, when you lost your loved ones from COVID and sadness often wakes you up at night, when … Read more

How to Build Resilience in Challenging Times

how to build resilience in challenging times

How to Build Resilience in Challenging Times When facing tough times in life, it is natural to feel sad, angry, or stuck in the rabbit hole of your life. However, learning how to build resilience in challenging times is key to coping and bouncing back.  What is Resilience? Resilience Definition Resilience is the quality that enables … Read more

Tips to Help with Domestic Violence Prevention

domestic violence prevention

Tips to Help with Domestic Violence Prevention The UN described violence against women as the “shadow pandemic.” Indeed, the world saw a rise in violence towards women and girls to increase since the pandemic started; this is why domestic violence prevention is crucial to talk about! In particular, nowadays many people are facing job layoffs … Read more