Simple Ways to Improve Your Emotion Regulation

adult ADHD

Simple Ways to Improve Your Emotion Regulation We all have emotions. When emotions such as anger get intense, we may experience an emotional turmoil and act in the way we may regret later. So this is the time we need emotion regulation. What is emotion regulation?  Emotion regulation is the process of “monitoring, evaluating, and … Read more

10 Tips to Use Social Media in a Healthier Way

social media use

10 Tips To Use Social Media In A Healthy Way Social media platforms are spaces for people around the world to connect, share pictures, post opinions, and consume endless content. Particularly during this pandemic, social media helps us to stay connected and communicate even when we have to stay home. Much of social media involves … Read more

Trauma Therapy in New York

Trauma Therapists in NYC PTSD Therapy in New York If you struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Mind Connections wants to support you and pair you with the best PTSD therapist NYC has to offer! In general, PTSD causes people immense distress and difficulty in their lives. When you suffer from PTSD, the nightmares, flashbacks, … Read more

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

How to Overcome Social Anxiety

How To Overcome Social Anxiety If you identify with the questions below, you may be dealing with signs of social anxiety disorder (SAD) or social phobia. Encounter high levels of stress in your daily life that you may be judged or humiliated Participating in class, maintaining casual conversation with strangers, or even entering a crowded … Read more

Therapy for Teens

THERAPIST FOR TEENS IN NYC BOOK NOW CALL (347) 542-8226 Do You Feel Lost As You Navigate Your Teenage Or Young Adult Years? Are you a young adult or international college student who is part of the AAPI community and looking for a bilingual and culturally informed approach to therapy? Do you feel lonely, homesick, … Read more

Dealing With Control Issues

Dealing with Control Issues During this pandemic, the time of uncertainty, stress is accumulating so quickly that sometimes you get anxiety or even panic. To cope with the current stressors, it is important to reflect on how you spend your attention every day. If anything is certain in life, it is the fact that things will happen … Read more

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety Therapist in New York Are you struggling with constant stress and worry? Feeling the overwhelming fear, obsession, panic?  Have racing and repetitive negative thoughts? Often being told, “you just think too much”?  Has your body shown some signs? headache, stomachache, racing heart beating, or insomnia? Sometimes you even went to ER because you thought … Read more