School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Mind Connections supports the efforts to stop bullying in this world. No teen should ever feel intimidated, scared, or embarrassed while going to school. Moreover, a school should be a safe place for students to explore who they … Read more

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly Using social media responsibly is important at any age. Most children start using their first phone at the age of 11, the years of early adolescence. During this time, kids are still developing cognitively and are beginning “to understand that what they do now can have long-term effects.” … Read more

7 Ways to Help a Teenager with Anxiety

teenager with anxiety

7 Ways To Help A Teenager With Anxiety Are you a teenager with anxiety? Does your child struggle with teenage anxiety? Whether you want to self help, or learn how to better support your teen to deal with anxiety in adolescence, this article will discuss different strategies to cope with this issue! What is Anxiety? … Read more

How to Help Your Teenager with Low Self Esteem

grief and loss counseling resources

How to Help Your Teenager with Low Self Esteem Being a teen can be tough in many ways. Teenagers with low self esteem can face struggles like self-doubt, body image issues, lack of confidence, difficulty with assertiveness, to name a few. As parents, it is important to learn how to help your teen improve their … Read more

How to Handle Rejection with the Right Method

How do you handle rejection

How to Handle Rejection with the Right Method How do you handle rejection? Is it hard for you to accept failures or set backs? Are you looking for better ways to cope with being rejected?  Whether you like it or not, rejection is a part of life. People get rejected all the time from jobs, … Read more

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues

examples of mental health stigma

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues As parents, you may feel your worries grow with your children especially when they become adolescents. Teenager struggles apparently are not just for teens, but for parents as well. Challenges faced by youth today can be a long list. For instance, academic performance, … Read more

The Danger of Mental Health Stigma

signs of a depressive episode

The Danger of Mental Health Stigma May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Awareness helps people learn more about mental health and how it affects people. According to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), most people with mental health illness have been blamed for their conditions at some point. With more understanding comes the breaking … Read more

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully

How to Feel Young and Embrace Aging Gracefully Are you 32 and scared of getting old? Experience a lot of nostalgia? Ever heard of fear of aging phobia? Dealing with aging as a woman? Do you want to find ways to promote feeling young throughout your life?  A survey of 2088 adults in the U.S. … Read more

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk to You

how to get your teenager to talk to you

How To Get Your Teenager To Talk To You Being a parent isn’t easy. In fact, raising a teenager can be very challenging and confusing. Teens are going through many changes, starting new experiences, and figuring out who they are as young adults. As a parent, it is normal to worry about your child’s wellbeing … Read more

Help Teens To Manage Back to School Stress

stress management activities

Help Teens To Manage Back To School Stress Having back to school stress and anxiety? You are not alone, especially during this pandemic. Our teens are more stressed than ever. According to data collected by American Psychological Association, teen stress can be as serious as adult’s when they are going through the school year. This … Read more