Online Couples Therapy – An Answer to Your Relationship Problems

online couples therapy

Online Couples Therapy – An Answer To Your Relationship Problems Spending time together is essential but not easy for a romantic relationship. Approximately half of the first marriages end in a divorce or separation in the U.S. Yet spending time almost 24/7 during the COVID pandemic brings more strains and conflicts. Couples often struggle with … Read more

Couples Therapy Specialist

Couples Therapy In NYC Our relationship is going downhill since my partner’s affair. Does couples therapy work? It’s true we have our marital issues. How can marriage counseling help us? We fight a lot. Can relationship therapy help us communicate better? As couples therapists, we hear questions like this a lot. As much as we … Read more

Key Signs to Look for Before Getting Serious in a Relationship

Key Signs to Look for Before Getting Serious in a Relationship Are you considering taking your relationship to the next level? Do you wonder if your partner is truly the right one for you? It’s crucial to evaluate several key signs before getting serious to ensure a healthy and fulfilling partnership. Let’s explore some important … Read more

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in Your Support Network

types of friends

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in your Support Network Do you have the right types of friends in your support network? When you need it, do you have a shoulder to cry on, a buddy to celebrate the happy moments with, or a bestie to give you an extra push? Obviously, friends … Read more


心念心理扩大啦:成为加州心理咨询师 We frequently receive phone calls from individuals in Florida who are seeking mental health counseling services. We are excited to announce that Mind Connections is expanding to offer online therapy in Florida. With this new service, residents of the Sunshine State can now benefit from our expertise from the comfort of their own homes. … Read more

Mind Connections is Expanding: Online Therapy in Florida

summer mental health tips

Mind Connections is Expanding: Online Therapy in Florida We often received phone calls from people in Florida requesting mental health counseling services. Today, we’re thrilled to announce our expansion: Mind Connections’ online therapy in Florida. With our new offering, residents of the Sunshine State can now benefit from our expertise right from the comfort of … Read more

How to Support Asian American LGBTQ Youth to Come out

Pride Month Celebrations

How to Support Asian American LGBTQ Youth to Come Out Research shows that LGBTQ youth (lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, and queer) are at increased risk of suicide and mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety. The 2023 survey of the Trevor Project, reported that 46 percent of LGBTQ teens seriously considered attempting suicide. That … Read more

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in NYC

Cognitive Behavioral Therapist in NYC Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy approach that helps to change negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Looking for a CBT therapist near me? At Mind Connections, we have top Cognitive Behavioral Therapists in NYC. With advanced training and great experiences, our Cognitive Behavioral therapists can understand your unique … Read more

How to Handle an Argument With a Friend

How to Deal With an Argument With a Friend

How to Handle an Argument With a Friend Friendships can be hard to navigate sometimes. You may care for someone, but that doesn’t mean you won’t argue sometimes. Even best friends can still face difficulties from time to time. An argument with a friend is never fun, but finding ways to handle this situation properly … Read more

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress Holiday stress can be really common. Research showed that last year 41% of people reported increased anxiety during the holiday season. Among many ways to enjoy the holidays, spreading holiday cheer can probably change someone’s entire day around and help them to de-stress.  The Reality of the Holiday … Read more