Ying (Hailey) Yu, M.S.

Ying (Hailey) Yu, M.S.

Specialty Areas

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship Issues
  • Family Therapy
  • Asian Americans
  • Stress Management
  • Anger Management
  • Career Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Life Coaching

With twenty years of work experience in Fortune 500 and start-up companies, I have gained great experience helping people with their career development and professional growth. I have also served as a peer counselor in a non-profit organization to support people with career struggles. Passionate about assisting people in their growth, I’m pursuing my second Master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling at Northwestern University

Born and raised in China, studied, and worked in the United States and China, I developed deep insight into both Eastern and Western cultures and bilingual skills. I plan to incorporate the essence of both cultures to provide culturally aligned and language-compatible counseling to you. If you feel depressed, anxious, stressed, or stuck in life, I am here with you. Let’s work together as a team to face all the challenges.

Challenges are the beginning of growth. Chinese write the word “crisis” with two characters: one stands for danger, the other for opportunity. With a belief in strength-based therapy, I hope towork with you collaboratively and creatively. That is, we will focus on the opportunity rather than the danger. As a team, we can help you move from a painful state to comfort and resilience, where you can flourish and become the best version of yourself.



挑战是成长的开始。“危机” 这个词,左边是危机,右边是转机。让我们一起看见并相信你所拥有的力量,帮助你化危机为转机,走出痛苦,回归平静,找到内心的力量,成为更好的自己。