How to Stop Health Anxiety Symptoms

How to Stop Health Anxiety Symptoms Has someone ever called you a hypochondriac? Do you worry about your health a lot and fear the worst outcomes? Have you ever typed in your search engine, “how to stop health anxiety symptoms?” If so, know that you are not alone! Studies show that 4% to 5% people … Read more

Ways to Improve Communication at work

11 Tips to Improve Communication at Work As an adult, work is something that you participate in each day. Jobs are essential parts of our lives, and it is important to foster good communication at work. Good communication skills are necessary for any relationship. For example, if you are dating someone, you hope that you … Read more

What to Talk About in Therapy

What to do when you feel stuck

What to Talk About in Therapy Imagine this scenario. You just scheduled your first session with a therapist. You had a consultation with them and went over the basics of what you’d be interested in treating. The therapist seemed friendly and welcoming to talk to. There’s only one problem: you are so nervous! What can … Read more

Signs of a Depressive Episode and How to Cope

Signs of a Depressive Episode and Tips to Cope Have you been googling, “What are signs of a depressive episode?” Do you feel very sad or down lately? Want to learn how to cope when having a depressive episode? A depressive episode can happen to many people for various reasons. According to research by National … Read more

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Do you ask yourself, “Why do I compare myself to others?”  Is it hard for you to see other people achieve things and not feel bad about yourself? Do you want to find ways stop comparing yourself to others and manage stress? If you answered “yes” to … Read more

Taking a Mental Health Day is Important

taking a mental health day

Taking a Mental Health Day is Important We live in a hustle culture. We are urged to “go go go” and be productive almost all hours of the day. When we start to feel the effects of our ongoing work, it can really drain us. It is hard to be “on” like a light switch … Read more

How to Be Okay With Being Single

How to Be Okay With Being Single Are you single?  Do you feel like you are surrounded by couples and people who are together?  Do you find yourself feeling lonely or sad constantly? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this article is for you! Being single is nothing to be ashamed of! … Read more

Advice for Former Students Entering the Workforce

Advice for Former Students Entering the Workforce Are you entering the workforce? Did you just start a new job? Is the transition from student to employee hard for you to deal with? A message to anyone entering the workforce: this article is for you! If you take a moment to think about it, we all … Read more

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power

teenager with low self esteem

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?  Do you find yourself gravitating towards big crowds of people or feel more comfortable acting like a wallflower on the side? Is being an introvert bad? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an introvert?  Introverts and extroverts both possess … Read more

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year

in the new year

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year Can you believe that it is almost the new year already? Have you made your new year’s resolutions yet? Does it include mental health? With COVID and the Omicron variant surging rapidly, many people have mixed feelings about the New Year. Understandably some people worry about change … Read more