Stress Management Therapist NYC

  • Feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and out of control? but having no idea how to relieve stress and feel better?
  • Already burn out? To the point you feel exhausted, can’t sleep, and lash out to your loved ones?
  • Having self-sabotaging behaviors? such as procrastination, stressful eating, and having drug or drinking problems?

Obviously the fast pace of life in New York City could easily stress you out. It is thus not uncommon to have stress related physical and psychological symptoms. They could escalate to become issues like sleep problems, headaches, fatigue, anxiety and depression. Therefore, management of stress is essential to help you to get unstuck and bring your life back on track.

What is Stress? 

stress management
what is stress

Stress is our body’s natural reaction to any kind of demand that disrupts life as usual. In other words, everyone faces stress in life, or appropriate amount of stress motivates us to move forward. However, too much stress does more damage.

Chronic stress not only harms our minds but also our bodies. For example, you might get a stomach ache before you have to give a presentation. The longer the stress lasts, the worse it is for both facets of your well-being. Even if it is short-lived, stress can be impactful. 

When stress is left unchecked or poorly managed, it could turn to chronic stress. Simply put, chronic stress is likely to contribute to diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Mentally, chronic stress can even contribute to suicidal thoughts. In other words, both stress long term effects and short term effects show us the importance of stress management. 

What Causes Stress?

Generally speaking, triggers, major external stressors or stressful events usually include: worries about money, jobs, relationships, health, family, or life events. On the other hand, our body and mind could suffer if we internalize stressors too much for too long. 

What are some common stressors that can impact your health?

  • The death of a loved one
  • Divorce
  • Loss of a job
  • Increase in financial obligations
  • Getting married
  • Moving to a new home
  • Chronic illness or injury 
  • Emotional problems (e.g., depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)
  • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member
  • Traumatic events, such as a natural disaster, accident, theft, or violence

What are some thinking patterns that can lead to stress?

Correspondingly, the stress can sometimes come from within. In other words, not all stress stems from external stressful events, or things that happen to you. Much of the stress response is self-induced. These are internal stressors, that is, feelings and thoughts that pop into your head and stress you out. Examples of internal stressors may include

  • Worries and fears. For instance, worry about future, anxiety of health, fear of flying, fear of public speaking, etc.
  • Focus on uncertainty, unpredictability, and feeling of lack of control. For example, stress from waiting for a medical test, performance review by a critical supervisor, prepare for a job interview.
  • Belief including constant negative attitudes, perceptions, and unrealistic expectations of yourself, others, and the world. Examples include perfectionism, 
  • Rigid thinking, lack of flexibility, and not adapting to change well. 

Strategies to manage internal stressors include reframing your thoughts and choosing a positive mindset, challenging negative thoughts, using relaxation techniques, and talking with a trusted friend or counselor.

What are Stress Symptoms & Stress-Related Health Problems?

When someone doesn’t know how to manage stress or use management techniques to cope with stress, their well-being is affected. Stress can set off your body’s alarm system. This happens when you are overwhelmed, excessively worrying, or feel like you are losing control. Your body senses these situations and produces some physical and emotional warning signs.

In the light of these warning signs, you are receiving signs that your body and mind need maintenance and extra care. Apparently this is not anything to take lightly or ignore. Basically certain signs show that you have internalized the stress and have health problems. They may include:

  • Headaches, muscle tension, neck or back pain
  • Upset stomach
  • Dry mouth
  • Chest pains, rapid heartbeat
  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of appetite or overeating “comfort foods”
  • Increased frequency of colds
  • Lack of concentration or focus
  • Memory problems or forgetfulness
  • Jitters
  • Irritability or short temper
  • Anxiety or panic

Notably, stress can manifest in people’s lives in unique ways; it can cause a bunch of emotional stress effects. Long term stress effects can harm people in many ways! Some people develop behavioral problems such as:

  • Disordered eating or food addiction
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Shopping spree
  • Social withdrawal
  • Frequent crying or crying spell
  • Anger outburst, explosive emotions, or even violence
  • Relationship or marital problems

Knowing Management of Stress is Important, how to Relieve Stress?

In general, stress management tips can help you better deal with stress and difficulty in your life. Furthermore, the benefits of stress management go hand in hand with a more balanced and healthier life. Notably, these benefits include:

  • Helping you to set your goals
  • Assisting you in identifying your stressors or triggers
  • Better understanding your usual way of coping 
  • Building strong support and relationships
  • Creating healthy life routines
  • Practicing relaxation and mindfulness skills
  • Learning new cognitive techniques to dispute negative thoughts
  • Practicing coping skills to reduce anxiety
  • Improving time management
  • Enhancing the overall quality of life. 
  • Doing yoga for stress relief

In light of all of these benefits, do you want to relieve chronic stress effects in your life? Stress relief is essential for your well-being. Our stress therapists at Mind Connections in New York, NY are experienced in helping clients learn stress management strategies. We want to support you!

Stress Management Specialist

Do you need stress relief therapy? Our therapists truly understand the importance of stress management. Their treatment plans help alleviate the stress effects on the body and stress effects on mental health .

The therapists at Mind Connections implement evidence-based approaches that assist clients in practicing skills and techniques in their daily life. Our stress management therapy will be tailored specifically for your benefit. Based on your specific needs, our stress management therapists could use the combination of the following:

stress management
stress management specialist
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Solution-Focused Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Couples Therapy
  • Online Therapy or Teletherapy

Having more common questions about stress and its management? We have answers for you.

1. Is there any difference between stress and anxiety?

There is overlap between stress and anxiety, hence people may use them interchangeably. In terms of response, both stress and anxiety may be related to the same ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ response, and similar physical sensations. They have clear difference as well. Overall, stress is more about responses to external events; whereas anxiety is about internal reactions to stress. That is to say, anxiety is typically characterized by a “persistent feeling of apprehension or dread” in situations that are not actually threatening. Anxiety could persist even after the stressful events have passed. In fact, anxiety could develop into an anxiety disorder when it escalates to affect people’s daily life and functioning. Anxiety disorders include different forms, such as generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Knowing stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and all related symptoms, it is important to learn coping skills to relieve stress and anxiety. Therapy is a typical effective way to manage stress.

2. Why does talk therapy help with management of stress?

Verbalizing your troubles allows you to deal with issues head on. By talking to your family, friends, and loved-ones, you can see all the difference, especially knowing your family and friends cared. However, sometimes you may not feel comfortable sharing too much with your loved ones, or they don’t know how to help you. Stress management therapists or counselors, on the other hand, create a safe and confidential environment for you to talk about the issues that bother you. They are trained to listen to you, understand you, support you, set goals with you, and assist you to achieve your goals for better management of stress. This way, you reduce your stress more effectively and efficiently.

3. How can your therapists help me to manage stress and reduce anxiety?

Our stress management therapists may use different ways to deal with stress. There are many things you can try to help to manage your stress. These include things we encourage you to do or take actions, such as exercise, mindfulness meditation, healthy diet, social support with friends and family, and other self care. Besides, our therapists try to help you to implement the best stress management strategies.

Whether it is to help you to change your thinking pattern, relax your mind, or change your behaviors, eventually your feelings will be different and physical symptoms will decrease. Meanwhile, our therapists will guide you to unpack some deeper issues and explore root cause of your stress. By doing so, you have more insights, identify triggers of stress and anxiety, and learn to prevent future burnout.

Our stress management therapists at Mind Connections want to help you to find peace in you days! We are here to support and assist you to access stress management activities and stress management tips! Contact us for a FREE 15-minute phone call and get the stress relief help you deserve! Book an online therapy session to receive chronic stress treatment and speak with a stress management therapist today! Our stress management therapy will help you to find balance and peace in your life once more!