Anxiety Therapist in New York

  • Are you struggling with constant stress and worry? Feeling the overwhelming fear, obsession, panic? 
  • Have racing and repetitive negative thoughts? Often being told, “you just think too much”? 
  • Has your body shown some signs? headache, stomachache, racing heart beating, or insomnia? Sometimes you even went to ER because you thought you had a heart attack?
  • You rely a lot on Dr. Google? Have you been endlessly browsing for “best anxiety therapist in New York City?” 

Does any of these sound familiar to you? If so, you are not alone. About 18% of New Yorkers are affected by anxiety. Our anxiety therapists at Mind Connections in NYC can provide you with expert treatment for anxiety and help you to stop worrying about the future! 

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental, emotional, and physical condition. In particular, it features worry, nervousness, or fear that is ongoing, excessive, and has negative effects on a person’s ability to function.

An example of anxiety could look like this: Your friend texts you less than usual today. You start worrying non-stop about him being upset with you. That is, anxiety starts convincing you that your friend is mad at you. It says that you did something horrible that upset him. As a result, you find yourself panicky, hard to concentrate, and unable to sleep. When your anxiety haunts you, you may even imagine the worst of having no friends for the rest of your life.

What causes anxiety? Scientific research has linked anxiety disorders possibly to chemical imbalances in the brain. Correspondingly, other studies suggest that anxiety might be hereditary and passed down. Whatever the case is, anxiety is not fun to deal with!

What are the symptoms and signs of anxiety?

Simply put, having anxiety feels awful. To deal with your anxiety, you first must be able to recognize anxiety symptoms. Typically, anxiety symptoms may manifest in aspects such as cognitive, physical, emotional, and behavioral signs. 

Cognitive Signs of anxiety

In your thinking pattern, you may experience or notice one or more of these signs:

anxiety therapist
anxiety therapist NYC
  • Being overly worried
  • Constantly over-thinking 
  • Negative thoughts with a lot of “what ifs”
  • Difficulties with concentration
  • Memory problems
  • Facing the negative effects of your constant stress

Physical Symptoms of anxiety

Your body would send some signals when you get anxious. For instance, you could feel

  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Headache or stomachache
  • Fatigue and weak
  • Trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Sweating or chills
  • Shaking or trembling
  • Feeling tired and exhausted
  • Restless and fidgeting

Emotional Signs of anxiety

Anxiety could make you feel

  • Nervous
  • Fearful and scared
  • Irritable and agitated
  • Frustrated
  • Ashamed
  • Guilty
  • Embarrassed

Behavioral Signs of anxiety

ln your actions, you could do things like

  • Isolate yourself
  • Avoid certain places or social interactions
  • Try to get assurance from others again and again
  • Get controlling of your family, friends, and coworkers
  • Wash, check, and count repeatedly

What’s the difference between anxiety and an anxiety disorder?

To some extent, we all have anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to different kinds of events and situations. In other words, anxiety is our internal warning system. It serves its purpose to alert us to danger or other threats. This way it could prepare our bodies to fight back or flight to get out of a dangerous situation.

However, anxiety is a problem when it comes up too often, too much, and unexpectedly.  The key to make a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder is about feeling anxious or worry excessively. Besides, the rumination and fear could go too far to make it hard for you to function in your daily tasks. In other words, it could affect your work, school, relationships, and life in general. This is the time an anxiety therapist could help you to identify the symptoms, make an accurate diagnosis, and provide effective treatment.

What are different types of anxiety disorder?

Anxiety is the most common mental illness. There are different types of anxiety disorder. Typically the 6 most common anxiety disorders are

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by excessive worry about everything. Examples include work, school, family, health, finance, safety, and relationships. In other words, you may feel anxious or overthink for no reason. Some people call this chronic stress that is difficult to control and won’t go away. It could lead to severe distress and physical health problems. 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What is OCD? OCD sufferers have repetitive unwanted thoughts (obsessions). To silence these thoughts, people partake in compulsions, that is, ritualized and excessive urges to have certain behaviors. 

Many people with OCD fear germs. Others stress over fixing and perfecting things. A typical OCD symptom is intrusive thoughts, that is terrible and scary thoughts. Unfortunately, some of these thoughts are usually violent or inappropriate. The person feels like a bad person and worries about who they really are. OCD therapy can help you to form a personalized treatment plan and effectively manage your OCD symptoms. To learn more read our article here.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD typically involves anxiety symptoms triggered by traumatic events. You may have flashbacks, nightmares, startling, avoidance, and hyper-vigilant. When people experience scarring events in their life, they can develop trauma. As we know, trauma could affect people in many ways. In fact, many traumatic events could cause PTSD, such as war, abuse, assault, natural disasters, and more.

Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia (SAD)

social anxiety
Social anxiety and shyness are different

Social anxiety or Social Phobia is characterized by intense fear of being watched, embarrassed, and judged by others. At times social anxiety can look like shyness. People with this disorder avoid crowds and fear social interactions. In other words, shyness and Social anxiety are different, nonetheless. The intense fear in Social Anxiety could lead to social avoidance. That is, it harms people’s lives more deeply than shyness. Learn more about how to treat social anxiety

Panic Disorder (Panic Attacks)

A panic attack involves sudden and intense fear. Such fear reaches its peak without any warning. As a matter of fact, typical panic attack symptoms are similar to those of a heart attack. People may experience symptoms such as a racing heart beat, sweating, and chest pain. Multiple panic attacks or more than 4 times could be diagnosed as Panic Disorder

Another important fact is, a panic attack can happen anywhere and to anyone. The person with a panic attack usually shuts down and is filled with anxiety. If you ever had a panic attack you know how stressful it can be.

Specific Phobia

Phobia is an excessive, irrational, and persistent fear of something that is unlikely to cause harm. It may include fear of something specific, such as objects, animals, settings, and situations. Generally speaking, people can have phobias of anything. Some examples are the phobia of darkness, tight spaces, leaving the house, clowns, and heights. Typical phobia examples are phobia of darkness, cleithrophobia,  agoraphobia, and fear of flying. Someone may really fear heights. In light of this fear, this person will stress on airplanes or bridges. The thought of being high in the air freaks them out. 

Receive Treatment from an expert Anxiety Therapist in NYC

Anxiety is a bully. It causes you constant stress and self-doubt. Don’t let anxiety bully you any longer! Take your power back! An expert anxiety therapist can help you to face your bully head-on.

Therapy ultimately uncovers the underlying root of your worries and fears. In other words, it teaches you skills for relaxing, gaining perspective, and minimizing fears. Above all, clients will develop better coping and problem-solving skills when it comes to their anxiety. If you are interested in therapy, Mind Connections strives to provide the best anxiety therapy in NYC.

Our anxiety therapists at Mind Connections use evidence-based therapy approaches for anxiety treatment. You can expect to have sessions with the best anxiety therapist NYC has to offer. Our anxiety therapists will help you in many different ways and skillfully provide support.

What treatment or therapy approaches do your anxiety therapists use?

In psychotherapy, there are different types of anxiety treatment. We implement evidence-based therapy approaches to treat people with anxiety. Some of the anxiety counseling techniques include:

anxiety treatment
therapy for anxiety
  • Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy.

This therapy approach helps you center yourself in the present. It uses mindful methods like meditation to calm stress.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety

CBT for anxiety and depression is a very common therapy method. Typically it goes after negative thoughts and worries. In other words, it helps you to change your automatic negative thoughts to be more rational and logical.

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

This therapy approach helps you accept and make peace with your situation. ACT is effective in treating anxiety because it helps you to stay in the moment. As we know, anxiety is usually about “fight or flight” when you deal with stress, but that rarely works. When stressed, ACT for anxiety helps you focus on the present moment without judgment.

  • Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT helps you to manage and regulate emotions better. In particular, it implements effective techniques to manage your unwanted emotions such as fear, sadness, anger, and anxiety. Typical methods could include distress tolerance, wise mind training, mindfulness, etc.

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

This therapy is effective by using eye movement to treat disorders such as trauma and PTSD. Research has demonstrated efficacy in treating symptoms of PTSD.

  • Online Therapy or Teletherapy for Anxiety

If you are interested in finding an anxiety therapist online, our online therapy at Mind Connections can help you. Teletherapy refers to any therapy session that is hosted online. Our anxiety counseling online via Zoom is HIPPA compliant for your confidentiality.

  • Group Therapy

Group therapy for anxiety is an approach involving multiple clients. Additionally, you all will receive support and ways to achieve management for anxiety disorder.

Still, Have Questions? We Got Answers

“Can my anxiety go away on its own?”

Everyone experiences occasional anxiety from time to time. However, if have an anxiety disorder, chances are anxiety may not go away on its own. It can get worse over time without proper anxiety treatment. The symptoms can interfere with daily activities such as job performance, school work, and relationships. 

Psychotherapy can help your anxiety in many ways! These sessions will allow you to talk to someone who cares about your problems and wants to help you. An anxiety therapist will listen to your concerns and work with you to reduce stress. You will learn skills for:

  • Managing your anxiety
  • Calming your nerves
  • Identifying triggers
  • Living a happier life.

“When should I start therapy for my anxiety disorder?”

The answer is: now! Someone can go to therapy at any point in their life. Nevertheless, many people wrongly believe that only certain people go to therapy. This is not true!

Anyone can benefit from talking to a therapist. Therapy is not for “crazy” or “weak” people. It is for strong people who want to better themselves and their lives. Receiving help does not mean you are weak at all! We all need help sometimes and that is more than ok. 

“How do I know I have anxiety and not a medical issue?”

Good question! Anxiety is a true trickster. Since anxiety shows up in many physical ways, it feels like there is something else we can be struggling with. As mentioned before, some panic attacks can even feel like a heart attack! 

One way to rule out any possible health concerns is to talk with your doctor. Share your symptoms and allow them to evaluate everything. If you check out ok in their eyes, anxiety can be considered a factor. Go on to speak with a mental health professional who can give you their input.

Seeking help from an anxiety therapist at Mind Connections

Ever wondered where to get help for your anxiety? Do you want to receive help from a Psychologist for anxiety? Mind Connections NYC offers high-quality psychotherapy, coaching, and mental health services for clients in New York, New Jersey, and internationally. In addition to anxiety treatment, we have a team of Asian American therapists. These anxiety therapists specialize in helping Chinese and other Asians and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). We are fluent in Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and Japanese.

Our anxiety therapists will help you learn how to deal with anxiety, and share with you effective tips to overcome anxiety. Call us free for 15 minutes and find out what we can do to help you, or book an online therapy session to reduce your anxiety and live a better life.
