Mind Connections is Expanding: Online Therapy in Florida

summer mental health tips

Mind Connections is Expanding: Online Therapy in Florida We often received phone calls from people in Florida requesting mental health counseling services. Today, we’re thrilled to announce our expansion: Mind Connections’ online therapy in Florida. With our new offering, residents of the Sunshine State can now benefit from our expertise right from the comfort of … Read more

A Guide to Healing: Trauma and Addiction Recovery

unresolved trauma and addiction

A Guide to Healing: Trauma and Addiction Recovery Addiction can wreak havoc on someone’s life. It could make each day a struggle to stay sober, not gamble the paycheck away, and complete daily tasks. Indeed, people struggling with addiction may start to feel hopeless and distressed. Research shows that there may be a link between … Read more


曹君鸿 博士/心理专家 专长领域: 焦虑症(强迫症、社交恐惧症、广泛性焦虑症、创伤后应激障碍) 抑郁症 成人 ADHD 情绪管理障碍 压力管理 婚姻伴侣咨询 家庭咨询 性少数群体LGBTQ+ 曹君鸿博士 Dr. Junhong (June) Cao 是Mind Connections(心念心理)公司的创始人和总裁。作为一名心理专家,她持有在纽约、加州、新泽西、佛罗里达、和佛蒙特等州的心理学家执照。 曹君鸿博士有丰富的中美双文化背景和流利的中英双语能力,专精各种焦虑、抑郁、边缘型人格障碍,以及人际关系、婚姻、原生家庭、压力管理、情绪管理等。同时,她能提供对工作和生活相关问题的专业指导。 她丰富的经验使她能够有效出色地服务于华裔和亚裔美国人。她在纽约的办公室帮助当地的客户,并为世界各地的民众提供在线心理咨询。 曹君鸿博士整合各种科研认证过的咨询方法,以适应您的独特情况和需要,帮助您更好地了解自己,并做出相应的改变。这些咨询方法包括: 认知行为疗法 (CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) 辩证行为疗法 (DBT-Dialectic Behavioral Therapy) 正念疗法 (Mindfulness) 接纳承诺疗法 (ACT-Acceptance Commitment Therapy) 心理动力学疗法(Psychodynamic) 洞察力疗法 (Insight-Oriented Therapy) 焦点解决治疗法 (Solution-Focused Therapy) 曹君鸿博士也同时在中国、美国和其他国家为各学校、组织、公司和国际会议举办过研讨会、研讨会、演讲和培训。她的演讲涉及情感健康、文化适应、职业发展、人际关系改善和LGBTQ+身份认同等方面的科学研究成果。 同时,曹君鸿博士还指导博士后,并为咨询师获取执照做专业督导。详情请预约15分钟的免费电话问询。  15分钟免费咨询 致电 (347) 542-8226

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression

How to Deal with Postpartum Depression Postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of depression that occurs in people who just gave birth, typically within the first few weeks to months after childbirth. It can result in depressive, anxious, and worn-out sensations, making it challenging to do daily tasks like eating, sleeping, and bonding with your … Read more

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly

10 Tips on How to Use Social Media Responsibly Using social media responsibly is important at any age. Most children start using their first phone at the age of 11, the years of early adolescence. During this time, kids are still developing cognitively and are beginning “to understand that what they do now can have long-term effects.” … Read more

How to Handle an Argument With a Friend

How to Deal With an Argument With a Friend

How to Handle an Argument With a Friend Friendships can be hard to navigate sometimes. You may care for someone, but that doesn’t mean you won’t argue sometimes. Even best friends can still face difficulties from time to time. An argument with a friend is never fun, but finding ways to handle this situation properly … Read more

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress

Spreading Holiday Cheer to Manage Holiday Stress Holiday stress can be really common. Research showed that last year 41% of people reported increased anxiety during the holiday season. Among many ways to enjoy the holidays, spreading holiday cheer can probably change someone’s entire day around and help them to de-stress.  The Reality of the Holiday … Read more

How To Enjoy Being Single When Friends Are In A Relationship

in the new year

How to Enjoy Being Single When Others Are in a Relationship Have you ever felt frustrated with being single? Do you struggle with feeling content and fulfilled in your life without a romantic partner? Are you ready to embrace the unique benefits and enjoy being single? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … Read more

Tips to Make the Best of a Support Group

how to deal with postpartum depression

Tips to Make the Best of a Social Support Group We all need support in this world. Truth be told, humans are social creatures and we thrive off of our connections with others. Obviously it can feel pretty lonely when you don’t feel like you have anyone to turn to or a social support system … Read more

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner?

How to Deal with a Passive Aggressive Partner What are the signs of a passive aggressive person? How do you know you are in a passive aggressive relationship? How to respond to passive aggressive behavior? Your partner may not yell or scream. Instead, they express their difficult feelings subtly rather than directly. Apparently it is … Read more