How To Improve Self-Esteem With PCOS

How To Improve Self Esteem With PCOS

Do you struggle with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? If so, Mind Connections wants to recognize how strong and resilient you are. People who have PCOS symptoms can experience fertility issues, balding/hair loss, hair growth on unwanted parts of their body (i.e., their face), and more. PCOS sufferers have to deal with the effects of this syndrome not only internally but through their outside appearance, as well. We know that this syndrome can be not only physically taxing but mentally, as well. It may feel hard to maintain a positive mindset and confidence.  

Studies have found that having a PCOS diagnosis can make people struggle with their  self-esteem. Research has also indicated that infertility and depression are closely correlated. The typical PCOS mood swings and PCOS emotional rollercoaster could affect mental health and difficult to handle. If you struggle with PCOS, know that you deserve to practice and develop self-love. You are worthy of being kind to yourself and building confidence to live your most freeing and fulfilling life. This article will discuss ways to improve self-esteem when you struggle with PCOS.  

Recognize traits of low self-esteem

When someone has low self-esteem, they often look at themselves in a negative way. If you have PCOS, you may feel like you are constantly worrying about how your hair looks in different hairdos or how your body looks in certain outfits. People with PCOS may struggle with their body image, especially since this syndrome can cause hair loss and weight issues. More general indicators of low self-esteem can be found here. If you struggle with PCOS and feel like your self-esteem is being affected, know that there is hope. There are many things you can do to help improve your image of yourself!

Accept your PCOS diagnosis

It may be hard to accept that you have PCOS. You may feel sad that you have this syndrome and feel anger towards your body. Your emotions are valid; it is normal to feel upset over things that happen in our bodies that we cannot control. Allowing yourself to feel this pain and tune in to your emotions is important. It is also important not to let this hurt completely ruin your self-worth. You contain an infinite value in this world, and PCOS may act as a big part of your life, but it is not what makes you who you are. Things like hair loss can be devastating to a young woman, and it may be hard to accept that this is happening to you. Know that this hair loss represents your PCOS, but it also represents the resilience and strength you have every day you live with this syndrome.  

Always remember that your voice and well-being matter

Many people with PCOS feel like their condition is not being taken as seriously or treated as gingerly as it should be. Never let anyone, from a medical professional to an ill-informed stranger, make you feel like your PCOS is not important. Become well-versed in how your PCOS affects you and what you experience- you know your body best! If you feel like a doctor is not giving you the PCOS treatment you deserve/ are satisfied with, be open to looking for different doctors or specialists’ opinions. The people in your life should always be there to understand and support your condition. If they are failing to do so, always remember that this is their misstep and not yours! Your health and well-being should be highly valued, and you deserve to have your voice heard!

Show yourself love

The way you talk to yourself matters. Think of the way you talk to yourself as the way you should speak to your best friend. Imagine the ways a best friend should act. A best friend is someone who always supports you, lifts you up, makes you feel good about yourself, and accepts you for who you are. The hurtful things we think to or about ourselves do not accomplish any of the things a best friend should do. Speak to yourself with kindness and embrace the body you have. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself, starting from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Express appreciation towards your body for carrying you through this life and be proud of yourself for dealing with all that you experience with PCOS – you are so strong!

Practicing self-love is an effective way to build up your confidence and self-esteem. Indulge in whatever makes you feel good about yourself and brings you contentment. Useful ways to enhance your mental health and participate in self-love activities can be found here.

Do things that make you happy and bring out your most authentic self

What is something you have fun doing? Participating in things that make you happy can improve your mood and make you feel good about yourself. If you are trying to build up your confidence, you should try and make time for the activities that bring you joy. Don’t fret if you feel like you don’t have any hobbies to participate in; the more you get to know yourself, the more you may be able to find different things you like to do. Also, just sitting with yourself and living in the moment is a fulfilling activity that involves nothing but yourself and your thoughts. Watching your favorite movie, listening to a motivational podcast, or singing your favorite song should all help improve your mood and make you feel happy with yourself!


Exercise has been seen to enhance people’s moods. If you are feeling down about yourself, getting active may help! The great thing about exercise is that it can take so many forms; this wide range will make it easier to find activities that you enjoy! You can also look up exercise plans that are specifically recommended for people with PCOS. Asking a supportive friend to join you while you exercise will increase your social interaction while getting active! Working out with a friend can be done in a COVID-19 friendly way through video-chat or social distance.

love and support
self-esteem and social support

Embrace and seek out support systems

When struggling with PCOS, it can be beneficial to surround yourself with people who care about you. This syndrome involves challenges that can affect a person mentally and physically; having a good support system can really help someone with PCOS in challenging times. Lean on family, friends, and loved ones when you need to. Looking into support groups for people with PCOS may also be beneficial. Having a community of people who understand exactly what you are going through will make you feel comforted and heard.

Therapy for self-esteem struggles

Receiving therapy to work on your self-esteem can be very beneficial. Talking to a professional and accessing ways to combat the harmful thoughts you may have about yourself will help you foster better self-esteem! Options can include:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for low self-esteem helps you to identify and reframe self-defeating thoughts and behaviors
  • Psychodynamic Therapy helps you to learn how to overcome low self-esteem by gaining insight into the root cause of the insecurity
  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) teaches you to notice your self-defeating thoughts but let them pass without believing them
  • Mindfulness lets you improve your self-acceptance, reduce your anxiety, and face your self-esteem issues.

PCOS can be very challenging to deal with. If you struggle with PCOS, know that you deserve to love yourself! You radiate strength, resilience, and courage. Never forget how important your well-being, both mentally and physically, is and the incredible value your voice has! I wish you health, happiness, and inner-peace on your PCOS journey!

Content Creator, Victoria Gallo; Reviewed by Dr. June Cao

Our therapists at Mind Connections will help you to learn to accept yourself for who you are and improve your self-esteem. We implement different effective therapy approaches based on your unique needs. Call us free for 15-minute and find the best fit from our services.

Special thanks to the contribution of our intern Victoria Gallo

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