COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely, isolated, and/or frustrated? It is hard not to when you cannot socialize with your family and friends, when you lost your loved ones from COVID and sadness often wakes you up at night, when you have to face issues of work, family, relationships, and mental health.

We are here for you. Our COVID-19 Virtue Support Group is a source to help you to thrive in this particular tough time! We are here to listen, to support, to encourage, and to provide guidance. Our group is a safe and confidential place for you to find people with common experiences and concerns, to help each other to form a community, and to have a better understanding with knowledge and skills.

Our virtue group takes advantage of online services via Zoom, makes it convenient for you to be in a comfortable place such as your home, office, car, or a private place wherever you are. Zoom is a free app that is HIPAA compliant and promises your confidentiality. You can use your computer, laptop, tablet, or your phone to connect with our group.

Starting August 15th, the group will meet every Saturday from 3:30pm-4:30pm. Our therapists Baiqian Zhang and Sally Chen will co-facilitate the group. If you are interested, please fill out our Google form. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our group facilitator Baiqian at