How to Deal with Body Dysmorphia (BDD)

How To Deal With Body Dysmorphia BDD Have you heard of Body Dysmorphia (BDD)?  Is there a part of your body that upsets you a lot? Do you find yourself thinking about this body part constantly during the day? Do you spend excessive time trying to hide or do surgery on a “flawed” body part? … Read more

LGBTQ+ AAPI – Pride And Prejudice

LGBTQ couples therapy

LGBTQ+ AAPI – Pride and Prejudice Are you an Asian American or Pacific Islander (AAPI)? Are you part of both the LGBTQ+ AAPI community? Mind Connections supports the AAPI community. During Pride Month, we want to bring light to certain challenges LGBTQ+ AAPI people face. If you are interested in learning more, keep reading! TW: … Read more

Social Support is Important for LGBTQ+ Mental Health

Social Support Is Important For LGBTQ+ Mental Health Have you ever wanted to show more social support to the LGBTQ+ Community? Have you wondered how you would respond to someone coming out to you? Are you concerned about bettering the mental health of people in the LGBTQIA+ community? If you have answered yes to any … Read more