How to Manage Stress During COVID-19

Young man putting on a facemask during Covid 19 pandemic

How To Manage Stress During COVID Pandemic It is a difficult time for all of us during this Pandemic. Social distancing, working from home, distance learning, staying at home, and food delivery are the new normal. Our lives have been turned upside down. When we face uncertainty, it is very understandable to feel stressed and … Read more

5 Ways to Improve your Mental Health in 2021

workplace burnout

5 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health in 2021 A couple of weeks into 2021, how did your new year’s resolutions go? When most of the gyms are not open, many of us continue to work from home, and many others are still struggling, how do you plan to achieve your goals and feel a … Read more

Out of Touch with Emotions? You may Need a Good Cry

an image of a child crying

Out of Touch with Your Emotions? You may Need a Good Cry How many times have you heard people saying, “just be happy”, “always smile”? Have you tried to bottle up feelings? Suppressing emotions with too much wine or food? When was the last time you had a good cry? Or did you simply tell … Read more

How to Solve Sleep Problems Naturally

How To Solve Sleep Problems Naturally Have you ever been lying in bed at night and asking yourself: why I’m tired, but I can’t sleep? Often, the harder you struggle to sleep, the more awake you are. After many sleepless nights, you begin to wonder with a fuzzy mind: Can insomnia kill you? You even … Read more

Dealing With Control Issues

Dealing with Control Issues During this pandemic, the time of uncertainty, stress is accumulating so quickly that sometimes you get anxiety or even panic. To cope with the current stressors, it is important to reflect on how you spend your attention every day. If anything is certain in life, it is the fact that things will happen … Read more