7 Ways to Help a Teenager with Anxiety

teenager with anxiety

7 Ways To Help A Teenager With Anxiety Are you a teenager with anxiety? Does your child struggle with teenage anxiety? Whether you want to self help, or learn how to better support your teen to deal with anxiety in adolescence, this article will discuss different strategies to cope with this issue! What is Anxiety? … Read more

How to Deal with Body Dysmorphia (BDD)

How To Deal With Body Dysmorphia BDD Have you heard of Body Dysmorphia (BDD)?  Is there a part of your body that upsets you a lot? Do you find yourself thinking about this body part constantly during the day? Do you spend excessive time trying to hide or do surgery on a “flawed” body part? … Read more

Online Couples Therapy – An Answer to Your Relationship Problems

online couples therapy

Online Couples Therapy – An Answer To Your Relationship Problems Spending time together is essential but not easy for a romantic relationship. Approximately half of the first marriages end in a divorce or separation in the U.S. Yet spending time almost 24/7 during the COVID pandemic brings more strains and conflicts. Couples often struggle with … Read more

5 Tips for International Students to Find an Effective Online Therapist 留学生如何在网上选择心理咨询师

online therapy

As an international student , wandering overseas alone, do you sometimes feel troubled by negative emotions? Whether it is anxiety, depression, sadness, or guilt and loss, the lack of the company of family and friends will make you even more…

Your Common Questions about Online Therapy Answered!

online video therapy

Your Common Questions About Online Therapy Answered The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us as a society to reprogram how the world normally operates. When it comes to therapy, practitioners had to find ways to connect with patients safely. Online therapy has been the method most therapists have turned to during this time. With its sudden … Read more

Misconceptions And Facts About Therapy

Misconceptions and Facts about Therapy In our clinical practice at Mind Connections, we receive many questions from people who are interested in psychotherapy. Sometimes mental health stigma continues to remain a topic that could make seeking psychological help a taboo or an unspoken subject. While the root of the stigma may stem from the history … Read more

COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely, isolated, and/or frustrated? It is hard not to when you cannot socialize with your family and friends, when you lost your loved ones from COVID and sadness often wakes you up at night, when … Read more