Advice for Former Students Entering the Workforce

Advice for Former Students Entering the Workforce Are you entering the workforce? Did you just start a new job? Is the transition from student to employee hard for you to deal with? A message to anyone entering the workforce: this article is for you! If you take a moment to think about it, we all … Read more

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power

teenager with low self esteem

Introvert Qualities, Myths, and Power Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?  Do you find yourself gravitating towards big crowds of people or feel more comfortable acting like a wallflower on the side? Is being an introvert bad? What are the advantages and disadvantages of being an introvert?  Introverts and extroverts both possess … Read more

How to Accept Your Body

self-acceptance in the new year

How to Accept Your Body It is the new year! If you haven’t already, you will start seeing the slogan “new year, new me” plastered everywhere. From hashtags to journal entries, these words invade the planet after the Time’s Square Ball drops in New York City. You may wonder what this phrase even means! Does … Read more

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year

in the new year

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year Can you believe that it is almost the new year already? Have you made your new year’s resolutions yet? Does it include mental health? With COVID and the Omicron variant surging rapidly, many people have mixed feelings about the New Year. Understandably some people worry about change … Read more

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress During COVID

Stress of the Holidays

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress during COVID The holiday season is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The air gets colder, our hearts get warmer, and joy fills the air each day. This all sounds like a lovely plot to a Hallmark movie – but is it a reality for all people? … Read more

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties

early twenties

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties When we grow up, we imagine and daydream about our adult lives. As a kid, it seems like all you want to do is grow up! Doing childish things become boring, and we imagine a life where we are driving cool cars, owning our own houses, settling down with … Read more

How to Help Someone with Drugs and Alcohol Addiction

drugs and alcohol addiction

How to Help Someone with Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Do you know someone who deals with drugs and alcohol addiction? How many times have they promised to stop drinking? It is hard for you to see your loved one relapse and struggle. How do you handle your complicated emotions? The person you care for is … Read more

Workplace Burnout: Signs and Ways to Cope

workplace burnout

Burnout at Work: Signs and Ways to Cope From the time we are born, the idea of careers and jobs is projected onto us. Our parents dream and say, “he will probably be a lawyer or doctor.” We dress up as firemen, astronauts, and various other occupations for Halloween. As we get older, the pressure … Read more

Tips to Manage SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder

seasonal affective disorder treatment

Tips to Manage SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder With daylight saving time ended, the days are shorter and the weather gets colder. It can be really challenging for some people during this time. Particularly in the winter season, if you feel blue, have low energy, lose interest, and sleep too much, you may be dealing with … Read more

How to Get Your Teenager to Talk to You

how to get your teenager to talk to you

How To Get Your Teenager To Talk To You Being a parent isn’t easy. In fact, raising a teenager can be very challenging and confusing. Teens are going through many changes, starting new experiences, and figuring out who they are as young adults. As a parent, it is normal to worry about your child’s wellbeing … Read more