Ways to Cope When Losing a Spouse Unexpectedly

summer mental health tips

Ways to Cope when Losing a Spouse Unexpectedly Losing a spouse unexpectedly is devastating. Nothing ever prepares you for such a tragedy no matter how young or old they were when they passed away. It can feel like it flipped your life upside down. Understandably the tremendous amount of grief of a spouse can take … Read more

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health Studies show that the pandemic lead to 59% of Americans taking up a new hobby. Especially at the beginning of lockdowns and social distancing, and layoffs, many people had more time on their hands to stay home. During this time, people ventured into activities they may not have considered delving into … Read more

What to Look for in Healthy Relationships for Teens

teenager with low self esteem

What to Look For in Healthy Relationships for Teens Are you unsure of what qualities healthy relationships for teens should have? Do you yearn for a healthy relationship or friendship? Are you tired of having negative people in your life? Humans are social creatures, and we all want to have connections with other people. You … Read more

Signs of a Depressive Episode and How to Cope

Signs of a Depressive Episode and Tips to Cope Have you been googling, “What are signs of a depressive episode?” Do you feel very sad or down lately? Want to learn how to cope when having a depressive episode? A depressive episode can happen to many people for various reasons. According to research by National … Read more

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Do you ask yourself, “Why do I compare myself to others?”  Is it hard for you to see other people achieve things and not feel bad about yourself? Do you want to find ways stop comparing yourself to others and manage stress? If you answered “yes” to … Read more

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year

in the new year

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year Can you believe that it is almost the new year already? Have you made your new year’s resolutions yet? Does it include mental health? With COVID and the Omicron variant surging rapidly, many people have mixed feelings about the New Year. Understandably some people worry about change … Read more

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress During COVID

Stress of the Holidays

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress during COVID The holiday season is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The air gets colder, our hearts get warmer, and joy fills the air each day. This all sounds like a lovely plot to a Hallmark movie – but is it a reality for all people? … Read more

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity: Its Harm, Risks, And Tips To Avoid It “Just be positive. Things could be worse.” “Look at the bright side. It’s a blessing in disguise.” “Everything happens for a reason. Things will be better soon. You’ll get over it.” “Stop being so negative. Good vibes only.” Do these sound familiar? How did you … Read more

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Mind Connections supports the efforts to stop bullying in this world. No teen should ever feel intimidated, scared, or embarrassed while going to school. Moreover, a school should be a safe place for students to explore who they … Read more

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a disorder that affects .5% of Americans. Although a clinical diagnosis, you may hear the term “narcissists” used often to describe people. For example, you may have heard one of your friends call their ex-boyfriend a narcissist. What does this exactly mean?  To learn more about this … Read more