Simple Ways to Improve Your Emotion Regulation

adult ADHD

Simple Ways to Improve Your Emotion Regulation We all have emotions. When emotions such as anger get intense, we may experience an emotional turmoil and act in the way we may regret later. So this is the time we need emotion regulation. What is emotion regulation?  Emotion regulation is the process of “monitoring, evaluating, and … Read more

How Positive Affirmations Can Benefit You

self affirmation

How Positive Affirmations Can Benefit You Click here You may not realize how powerful your thoughts and words are. In other words, everything you think and say about yourself can affect the self-outlook you have. There are times when we all feel bad about ourselves. For instance, we may foster negative thoughts, have low confidence, … Read more

5 Mindfulness Practices To Improve Your Well-Being

5 Mindfulness Practices To Improve Your Wellbeing With the constant hustle and bustle of daily life, your days may start feeling overwhelming. These stressors could make you feel anxious or restless. No matter what obstacles life throws at you, know that you are strong and are deserving of inner peace! Mindfulness can help you center … Read more