5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year

in the new year

5 Steps to Thrive in the New Year Can you believe that it is almost the new year already? Have you made your new year’s resolutions yet? Does it include mental health? With COVID and the Omicron variant surging rapidly, many people have mixed feelings about the New Year. Understandably some people worry about change … Read more

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress During COVID

Stress of the Holidays

Tips to Cope with Holiday Stress during COVID The holiday season is perhaps the most beautiful time of the year. The air gets colder, our hearts get warmer, and joy fills the air each day. This all sounds like a lovely plot to a Hallmark movie – but is it a reality for all people? … Read more

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties

early twenties

Ways to Tackle Your Early Twenties When we grow up, we imagine and daydream about our adult lives. As a kid, it seems like all you want to do is grow up! Doing childish things become boring, and we imagine a life where we are driving cool cars, owning our own houses, settling down with … Read more

How to Help Someone with Drugs and Alcohol Addiction

drugs and alcohol addiction

How to Help Someone with Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Do you know someone who deals with drugs and alcohol addiction? How many times have they promised to stop drinking? It is hard for you to see your loved one relapse and struggle. How do you handle your complicated emotions? The person you care for is … Read more

Workplace Burnout: Signs and Ways to Cope

workplace burnout

Burnout at Work: Signs and Ways to Cope From the time we are born, the idea of careers and jobs is projected onto us. Our parents dream and say, “he will probably be a lawyer or doctor.” We dress up as firemen, astronauts, and various other occupations for Halloween. As we get older, the pressure … Read more

Friendship Breakups 101

best friend break up 

Friendship Breakups 101 As sad as it can be, we’ve all had a friendship breakup or witnessed a split between two former besties. The media specifically seems to talk a lot about romantic breakups, but friendship breakups seem like they don’t get as much attention. Sometimes the pain of ending a friendship can hurt just … Read more

7 Ways to Help a Teenager with Anxiety

teenager with anxiety

7 Ways To Help A Teenager With Anxiety Are you a teenager with anxiety? Does your child struggle with teenage anxiety? Whether you want to self help, or learn how to better support your teen to deal with anxiety in adolescence, this article will discuss different strategies to cope with this issue! What is Anxiety? … Read more

5 Tips for International Students to Find an Effective Online Therapist 留学生如何在网上选择心理咨询师

online therapy

As an international student , wandering overseas alone, do you sometimes feel troubled by negative emotions? Whether it is anxiety, depression, sadness, or guilt and loss, the lack of the company of family and friends will make you even more…

How to Manage Stress During COVID-19

Young man putting on a facemask during Covid 19 pandemic

How To Manage Stress During COVID Pandemic It is a difficult time for all of us during this Pandemic. Social distancing, working from home, distance learning, staying at home, and food delivery are the new normal. Our lives have been turned upside down. When we face uncertainty, it is very understandable to feel stressed and … Read more

COVID-19 Virtue Support Group

Many months have passed since we started social distancing, yet the feelings of uncertainty, hardship, and grief continue. Feeling stressed, lonely, isolated, and/or frustrated? It is hard not to when you cannot socialize with your family and friends, when you lost your loved ones from COVID and sadness often wakes you up at night, when … Read more