How to Put Yourself First

how to put yourself first

How to Put Yourself First Do you struggle knowing how to put yourself first? Have you ever had these thoughts? It’s selfish to put yourself first. I can’t do that…I need to put others before myself. I’d rather put myself last; it’s easier that way. If you are reading this article, you probably are someone … Read more

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job

searching for a job

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job Staying motivated while looking for a job can be challenging. Many people are looking for jobs currently in America. Statistics from April 2022 show that the unemployment rate in the U.S. is 6.7%, and 10.7 million people are searching for a job. Employment puts a lot … Read more

How to Love Your Body this Summer

how to love your body

How to Love Your Body this Summer Worrying about your “summer body”? Struggling with your body image in summer time? Does summer clothing make you feel bad about yourself? Feel stressed about not having “the perfect beach body”? Want to learn how to love your body this summer?  If so, you are not alone! So … Read more

Why Affirming LGBTQ Therapy Is Important

LGBTQ therapy

Why Is LGBTQ Therapy Important Do you know what LGBTQ affirmative therapy is? Are you looking for affirmative counseling or LGBTQ therapy NYC? LGBTQ therapy, or gender affirmative therapy has its own history. Understanding its benefits could help you to learn how to find/be an affirming therapist.  If you struggle with feeling validated or accepted … Read more

Why We Have Pride Month Celebrations in America

Pride Month Celebrations

Why Do We Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month Happy LGBTQ Pride Month! Pride Month is a time to celebrate LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer). It is a time to embrace who each of us are! Many people may wonder why we even have Pride Month Celebrations? You may hear people say things like: … Read more

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure

signs of high functioning depression

How to Stop Feeling Like a Failure Do you ever wonder, “How to stop feeling like a failure?” We all feel like a failure at times. Being associated with failing can be challenging; no one wants to think that their efforts were meaningless, their time was wasted, and they disappointed themselves or others. We look … Read more

The Danger of Mental Health Stigma

signs of a depressive episode

The Danger of Mental Health Stigma May is National Mental Health Awareness Month. Awareness helps people learn more about mental health and how it affects people. According to National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), most people with mental health illness have been blamed for their conditions at some point. With more understanding comes the breaking … Read more

How to Cope With Losing a Pet

how to cope with losing a pet

How to Cope with Losing a Pet Losing a pet can be devastating. Pets become a part of our families, and we love them just the same. Studies show that “pet owners have the tendency to humanize their pet and perceive animals no differently from humans in terms of emotions, needs, and legal rights.” The … Read more

Ghosting in Online Dating: Why People Ghost and How to Cope

how to survive being single

Ghosting: Why People Ghost and How to Cope with Being Ghosted Do you have questions about ghosting? Questions like: Have you been ghosted online dating? Ever wonder why you get ghosted? Have you ever ghosted someone else in online dating? How does the ghoster feel about ghosting someone? What ghosting says about you? Do you … Read more

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health

11 Hobbies That Benefit Mental Health Studies show that the pandemic lead to 59% of Americans taking up a new hobby. Especially at the beginning of lockdowns and social distancing, and layoffs, many people had more time on their hands to stay home. During this time, people ventured into activities they may not have considered delving into … Read more