work stress and recover from burnout

Work Stress and Burnout Recovery NYC

  • Ever feel burnout at work in NYC? 
  • Is your mental and physical wellness negatively affected by work stress? 
  • Have almost all symptoms and know that burnout recovery can’t wait any more?

It’s not uncommon to feel job burnout in the capital of the fast-paced life and work stress.  Especially when you feel drained and unmotivated; or the mere thought of work makes you feel anxious, depressed, or hopeless. Well, maybe it is vital to recover from burnout before it totally consumes you. 

What is Job Burnout?

Think of when you first started your job. After the tedious and often stressful process of interviewing for and finding a job, you finally accept an offer from a company! This feels great (at first)! Starting a job can be exciting; you are filled with new hope of making money, meeting new people, and pursuing your goals. 

After some time, you start experiencing a decline in your excitement for your job. Your beginner’s optimism starts turning into dread and pessimism. You might not know when it happened, but work began to feel more and more stressful. You started working longer hours and have no work-life balance. Your boss may be hard to deal with, always putting you down and never making you feel appreciated.

Your wellness takes a huge turn. The MayoClinic defines job burnout as work-related stress that exhausts people physically and emotionally. Overall, the stress of work becomes overbearing in the worker’s life. If you notice burnout symptoms don’t ignore them! If this stress isn’t dealt with properly, burnout can lead to severe problems in someone’s life. 

What are Burnout Symptoms?

You may not realize you are being burnt out at first. You may have tried to voice your concerns to others, but they don’t take you seriously or assure you that it is normal to feel this way when working. 

Here is your reminder that work shouldn’t be ruining your life or making you feel unwell each day. Your emotions and concerns are valid, and you are not alone; so many people are experiencing what you deal with each day. People with burnout experience these symptoms:

  • Constant and overwhelming stress 
  • Experiencing dread while going to/thinking about work
  • Losing joy or passion in the work you may have once enjoyed
  • Major procrastination and reluctance to start projects
  • Getting irritated constantly by your coworkers or boss
  • Isolating yourself at work
  • Feeling detached from and unmotivated by your job
  • Having no work-life balance or social life outside of work
  • Feeling like you aren’t enough or as good as your coworkers (aka Imposter Syndrome)
  • You aren’t sleeping, eating, relaxing, or handling stress well
  • Your immune system is weakened, and you find yourself feeling run-down or sick often
  • Mental health struggles start appearing; you often feel sad, anxious, depressed, or hopeless.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you need to make a change! Burnout is serious and can negatively impact your physical and mental health greatly. It may be time to consider burnout recovery Mind Connections NYC has to offer. 

Ways to Experience Burnout

Burnout in the workplace: As mentioned before, many people face burnout from a job or career they have. The job starts taking over their life, they have no work-life balance, they lose their passion for their craft, etc.

Burnout from school: Working people aren’t the only ones who experience burnout. Some may argue that the job of kids and teens is to be students. Students can feel overwhelming stress with their workload, have no time to spend with their family/friends due to their studies, feel unmotivated to do their work (procrastination ensues), etc.

Burnout in healthcare: Any career can lead to job burnout, especially helping careers. Research shows that people in helping careers/people-orientated jobs (like social workers, therapists, teachers, etc.) and physicians are vulnerable to this work stress. These people spend so much time at work being selfless and supporting others that it can strain their limits physically and mentally. They may feel too burnt out to take care of themselves. 

What to Expect from Burnout Recovery? 

Check out our article here to learn more about coping with burnout. If you have been struggling with handling your burnout, our NYC therapist team can help you to better manage work stress and recover from burnout. 

At Mind Connections, therapy can provide you with a safe space to open up and vent about what you’ve been feeling at work or school and be met with support. Our therapists understand what you are going through and want to help you get back to living without burnout!

Our therapists can help you identify symptoms and manage your stress in a healthier way. The therapist can do this by helping you manage your feelings surrounding work (like stress or anger), reframe negative thoughts about your work performance, build self-esteem, find ways to communicate or advocate for yourself at work, and more! 

How Our NYC Therapists Help with Work Stress and Burnout Recovery?

At Mind Connections, our therapist team can implement many different types of therapy practices to help you learn how to recover from burnout:

Call us free for 15 minutes or book an appointment to find out how burnout recovery NYC can benefit you and free you from burnout syndrome!