High Functioning Borderline Personality Disorder Treatment

On the surface, you may be calm, friendly, energetic, and successful at work; however, deep inside, you may feel sad, lonely, anxious,  and having a lot of shame.

You may have intense emotions of fear, anger, and shame, yet you keep it to yourself. That is, you suffer quietly.

Usually your intimate relationship is bumpy. You have repeated the same pattern of a push-pull type of relationship. It seems common to have this: Fear of abandonment, feeling unworthy of love, and difficulty maintaining a healthy relationship.

If any of these sounds familiar to you, 

tremendous fear of abandonment, be highly competent at work, and perhaps many look to you for leadership and advice. You may be popular and friendly amongst friends, and appear energetic and optimistic. Behind the screen, however, you suffer from intense lonelinessshame, and may be extremely critical of yourself.

What is high functioning borderline personality disorder?

Do I have borderline personality disorder?

Quiet borderline personality disorder

What causes borderline personality disorder?

How does borderline personality disorder affect relationships?

What is more effective borderline personality disorder treatment?
