How to Handle Rejection with the Right Method

How do you handle rejection

How to Handle Rejection with the Right Method How do you handle rejection? Is it hard for you to accept failures or set backs? Are you looking for better ways to cope with being rejected?  Whether you like it or not, rejection is a part of life. People get rejected all the time from jobs, … Read more

Tips to Make the Best of a Support Group

how to deal with postpartum depression

Tips to Make the Best of a Social Support Group We all need support in this world. Truth be told, humans are social creatures and we thrive off of our connections with others. Obviously it can feel pretty lonely when you don’t feel like you have anyone to turn to or a social support system … Read more

How to Deal With Anxiety Without Medication

How to Deal with Anxiety without Medication Do you feel like anxiety is controlling your life? Are you struggling with anxiety symptoms, such as constant worries, chest pain, and insomnia? Want to learn how to deal with anxiety without medication? If so, you probably can relate to Dinah’s story. Dinah is 24 years old, and … Read more

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues

examples of mental health stigma

Tips for Parents to Help a Teenager Struggling with Mental Health Issues As parents, you may feel your worries grow with your children especially when they become adolescents. Teenager struggles apparently are not just for teens, but for parents as well. Challenges faced by youth today can be a long list. For instance, academic performance, … Read more

How to Overcome Avoidance Behavior

Avoidant Behavior

How to Overcome Avoidance Behavior Do you tend to face problems head-on or usually have avoidance behavior? Do you procrastinate but feel terrible for doing that?  Are you looking for ways to stop escaping from reality? Some people get motivated by fear; they feel exhilarated when faced with a challenge, can handle any struggle, and … Read more

Tips to Help Your “Smiling” Friends to Deal with High Functioning Depression

Tips to Help Your “Smiling” Friends to Deal with High Functioning Depression You may know typical symptoms of depression, sadness, loss of interest, agitation and irritability, low motivation, and low energy. However, sometimes you may not see these symptoms in a depressed friend. Instead, smiling face, joking around, going to work or school as usual; … Read more

How to Put Yourself First

how to put yourself first

How to Put Yourself First Do you struggle knowing how to put yourself first? Have you ever had these thoughts? It’s selfish to put yourself first. I can’t do that…I need to put others before myself. I’d rather put myself last; it’s easier that way. If you are reading this article, you probably are someone … Read more

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job

searching for a job

How to Deal with the Struggles of Searching for a Job Staying motivated while looking for a job can be challenging. Many people are looking for jobs currently in America. Statistics from April 2022 show that the unemployment rate in the U.S. is 6.7%, and 10.7 million people are searching for a job. Employment puts a lot … Read more

When it’s Time to Let Go:Moving on Tips

ghosting online dating

When It’s Time to Let Go:Moving on Tips Ever been in an unhealthy relationship? You knew it wasn’t good for you, but still didn’t want to let go. Your mind told you to go, but your heart told you to stay. It can be hard to tell when to let go and move on from … Read more

Signs of a Depressive Episode and How to Cope

Signs of a Depressive Episode and Tips to Cope Have you been googling, “What are signs of a depressive episode?” Do you feel very sad or down lately? Want to learn how to cope when having a depressive episode? A depressive episode can happen to many people for various reasons. According to research by National … Read more