Workplace Burnout: Signs and Ways to Cope

workplace burnout

Burnout at Work: Signs and Ways to Cope From the time we are born, the idea of careers and jobs is projected onto us. Our parents dream and say, “he will probably be a lawyer or doctor.” We dress up as firemen, astronauts, and various other occupations for Halloween. As we get older, the pressure … Read more

Tips to Manage SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder

seasonal affective disorder treatment

Tips to Manage SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder With daylight saving time ended, the days are shorter and the weather gets colder. It can be really challenging for some people during this time. Particularly in the winter season, if you feel blue, have low energy, lose interest, and sleep too much, you may be dealing with … Read more

9 Signs you may be in an Unhealthy Relationship

HereUnhealthy Relationships Sign

9 Signs You May Be In An Unhealthy Relationship How do you know if you are in a healthy relationship or a toxic one? A healthy relationship makes you feel good about yourself and the connection you have. Yet there is no perfect relationship. Especially after the exciting honeymoon stage, you start to see the … Read more

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity: Its Harm, Risks, And Tips To Avoid It “Just be positive. Things could be worse.” “Look at the bright side. It’s a blessing in disguise.” “Everything happens for a reason. Things will be better soon. You’ll get over it.” “Stop being so negative. Good vibes only.” Do these sound familiar? How did you … Read more

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It

School Bullying: Ways to Help Teens to Cope and Fight It October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Mind Connections supports the efforts to stop bullying in this world. No teen should ever feel intimidated, scared, or embarrassed while going to school. Moreover, a school should be a safe place for students to explore who they … Read more

Friendship Breakups 101

best friend break up 

Friendship Breakups 101 As sad as it can be, we’ve all had a friendship breakup or witnessed a split between two former besties. The media specifically seems to talk a lot about romantic breakups, but friendship breakups seem like they don’t get as much attention. Sometimes the pain of ending a friendship can hurt just … Read more

7 Tips to Manage Stress for Highly Sensitive People

highly sensitive person test

7 Tips to Manage Stress for Highly Sensitive People Do you feel noise, light, and smell can easily overwhelm you?  You seem to feel stressed easily over things you have to do within a short period of time? Does the world seem like to affect you more than others?  You tend to have a rich … Read more

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a disorder that affects .5% of Americans. Although a clinical diagnosis, you may hear the term “narcissists” used often to describe people. For example, you may have heard one of your friends call their ex-boyfriend a narcissist. What does this exactly mean?  To learn more about this … Read more

Suicide Warning Signs, Risk Factors, and Non-Suicidal Self-Harm

Suicide Warning Signs, Risk Factors, and Non-Suicidal Self-Harm Last week was Suicide Prevention Week, September 5 to September 11. This is a week that spreads awareness about suicide warning signs, factors, and prevention. Mind Connections wants to send our support and care to any one who is affected by suicidal thoughts. Our hearts go to … Read more