How to Help Your Teenager with Low Self Esteem

grief and loss counseling resources

How to Help Your Teenager with Low Self Esteem Being a teen can be tough in many ways. Teenagers with low self esteem can face struggles like self-doubt, body image issues, lack of confidence, difficulty with assertiveness, to name a few. As parents, it is important to learn how to help your teen improve their … Read more

Self Esteem Therapist

Low Self-Esteem Therapist In NYC Do you feel like you have low self-esteem? If so, maybe you can relate to these scenarios, or the low self-esteem examples: “I’m not worthy”, or “I’m not good enough.” You often hear such negative self-talk and feel ashamed for being who you are.  “Why am I always so stupid?” … Read more

How To Improve Self-Esteem With PCOS

How To Improve Self Esteem With PCOS Do you struggle with Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? If so, Mind Connections wants to recognize how strong and resilient you are. People who have PCOS symptoms can experience fertility issues, balding/hair loss, hair growth on unwanted parts of their body (i.e., their face), and more. PCOS sufferers have … Read more

How to Improve Self-Acceptance

How to Improve Self-Acceptance Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you could change something about yourself? Do you sometimes feel like you’re not good enough? When you see someone posting their “perfect body” and “perfect vacation,”  you even wish to live their life? These feelings are common, but they can prevent you … Read more

Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself

in the new year

Ways to Be Kinder to Yourself Have you been hard on yourself and overly critical of yourself? Do you struggle with self-kindness? Are you looking for ways to improve your well-being and increase your self-compassion? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us struggle with being kind and compassionate to ourselves, especially in today’s fast-paced … Read more

How to Put Yourself First

how to put yourself first

How to Put Yourself First Do you struggle knowing how to put yourself first? Have you ever had these thoughts? It’s selfish to put yourself first. I can’t do that…I need to put others before myself. I’d rather put myself last; it’s easier that way. If you are reading this article, you probably are someone … Read more

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

7 Tips to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Do you ask yourself, “Why do I compare myself to others?”  Is it hard for you to see other people achieve things and not feel bad about yourself? Do you want to find ways stop comparing yourself to others and manage stress? If you answered “yes” to … Read more

Self-Sabotage In Relationships: Why You do It and How to Stop It

Self-Sabotage In Relationships: Why You Do It And How To Stop It Do you self sabotage in relationships, your success, and your happiness ? Do you find it hard to succeed with your plans and goals? Are you looking to stop standing in the way of your own progress? What is Self-Sabotage? When someone self-sabotages, … Read more

A Letter of Self-Love and Self-Compassion

self-love self-compassion

A Letter of Self-Love and Self-Compassion Self-love is not selfish. You cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself. ~ Anonymous Self-love and self-compassion involves valuing your own happiness and putting your physical, emotional and mental well-being first. When you can accept yourself non-judgmentally, support yourself unconditionally, and care for yourself regardless, … Read more

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in Your Support Network

types of friends

The Guide to the Right Types of Friends in your Support Network Do you have the right types of friends in your support network? When you need it, do you have a shoulder to cry on, a buddy to celebrate the happy moments with, or a bestie to give you an extra push? Obviously, friends … Read more